Time & Location
Sep 10, 2022, 1:30 PM
Pueblo, 640 Pueblo Reservoir Road, Pueblo, CO 81005, USA
About the Event
From Past Commodore Ric Geiman:
Hello LPSC,
I volunteered to run our next regatta on September 10th and to choose a format. So, I’m going to try something that Al Aubert on Le Reve suggested awhile back. We’ll be having a “Pro Am” race where we pair up a faster, more experienced boat with a boat with less speed potential and possibly more inexperienced sailors on board. The averaged time of the two boats will determine the team ranking. To make this work I will need to know who is participating a couple of days before the regatta so we can set up the pairings. Let’s say by the 8th. Once we have the fleet set a committee composed of the current LPSC officers and I will determine the teams based on past performances. Who knows, there may even be an award or two for this regatta! Stay tuned, more to come this week!
LPSC Season Series Race #6 start time may change with forecast.