Mon, Jan 31
Lake Pueblo Sailing Club Meeting
Time & Location
Jan 31, 2022, 7:00 PM
About the Event
Hello Lake Pueblo Sailors! As many of you know, the club has been offered the use of a Sunfish fleet of approximately 10 to 12 boats. We have also met with park management with regards to establishing a footprint at Lake Pueblo State Park for Lake Pueblo Sailing Club.
Working with park management and North Shore Marina there is an opportunity to create that footprint inside of the boat storage yard at the North Shore. This space would provide the club a storage area for the Sunfish fleet, additional dinghy storage for club member owned boats, a place for membership to meet for meetings / clinics and a physical location for the club at Lake Pueblo. The club will be able to shuttle dinghys using the access road by the southeast corner of the yard to the club launch area north of the access road.
This is an exciting and big step for LPSC however it needs the support of membership. To advance forward with these opportunities the club would need to lease the space from North Shore as well as increase our insurance policy to include the Sunfish fleet, the leased premises and both on and off water activities. Based on current club reserves and donation projections from last season the insurance seems to be feasible. The cost of leasing the space would need to be covered by club donations, storage fees for member owned dinghys and fees associated with use of club Sunfish boats. This expense also looks to be obtainable by the club if the interest is there.
The final piece that the club greatly needs going into this season is an active group of volunteers to help take the club to the next level. We are hosting a virtual Lake Pueblo Sailing Club meeting via Zoom this coming Monday at 7pm. This will be an opportunity for membership to give input, discuss these items and our upcoming season. If you have interest in helping with the club in any capacity please attend if you can.
Big Thank You to Ray Jack for the time and resources he has invested in the Sunfish fleet. Same Big Thank You to Past Commodore Ric Geiman for his continued work to advance LPSC.
The Zoom meeting information is below detailed below. If you need assistance with Zoom, please reach out to me before hand and I will do my best to get you set up.
Thank You Sailors!
-Chris Huggins
Topic: Lake Pueblo Sailing Club Meeting Time: Jan 31, 2022 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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